Casa Mea
We are very grateful to each person who has supported the children and teenagers at Casa Mea over the years. This began with sponsoring carers and educators to work with the children, and in 2018, CHW held its biggest ever appeal, to try to keep Casa Mea open. We are so thankful for the amazing generosity that our supporters showed, which helped Casa Mea to be able to continue to run its family-style home for the children.
Needing to plan sustainably for its future, the Casa Mea team began to look for other options, and Casa Mea is now being run by a different organisation. Casa Mea was one of CHW’s first partner organisations. We are truly grateful for all your support for the children there. You have made such a difference in their lives.
Casa Mea is an organisation dedicated to providing loving group homes for orphaned and abandoned children. At present, Casa Mea owns a house in Prejmer, where up to twelve children can live, although there are currently fewer children than this. Casa Mea will ensure that these children grow up in a loving, family environment.
Executive Director, Jan Calos, established Casa Mea in Romania and spent time looking after the children herself. We are very happy to be able to fundraise to help support the good work of Casa Mea.

Some of the children at Casa Mea with Felicia, who manages the home.
We want to continue to raise money to sponsor a carer to work with the children.
We have twice been able to give a donation of one thousand two hundred and fifty pounds to help pay the salary of a carer for a year. Both times, our donations have helped with the salary for Stela, who was a street child herself, and can really understand the needs of the children. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped raise funds for both donations, to Jana Liebau for arranging fundraising events, to our Patron Steve Parkinson for holding a fundraiser, and to Marie-Lise Despeghel for her contributions. Thank you to our Patron, Ottilia Saxl, who made the second donation possible, by giving a very generous donation.
We want to be able to continue making donations towards the salaries of the staff at Casa Mea and are looking for people who can either help fundraise or donate towards this. The children have experienced such hard times in their short lives, before being fortunate enough to go to live at Casa Mea. It is vital that there are enough people to work with the children once they get there. CHW would like to keep making donations to cover the costs of employing one staff member for a year. We would then hope to raise that amount each consecutive year to keep sponsoring the staff member. We are hoping too, that eventually, we would be able to raise enough to then sponsor more than one member of staff. These are big plans, so we have to start small! It would be wonderful if you were able to contribute to this. Either one-off donations or continuous ones (where you can make regular donations each month) would be so good.

The Children at Casa Mea about to sing at a Festival – a memory from quite a few years ago, during the early days of supporting Casa Mea.
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