Morning Tears
Morning Tears was founded in China in 1998, by Koen Sevenants. It supports the children of convicts. Morning Tears strives to ensure that the rights of the child are available to all children of convicts and to enable these children to grow up in dignity and develop to their full potential. Whilst Morning Tears’ projects now have an international reach, CHW is hoping to help support local projects run by Morning Tears in China.
Currently, Morning Tears operates at children’s homes in Zhengzhou, in Henan province, and provides support to centres in Xi’an and San Yuan as well as to various family reunification projects. The children are provided with a loving and caring home, food, clothing, education, medical, as well as specialised psychological and trauma, care. Contact with their parent(s) in prison is facilitated wherever possible. Children are supported and guided into their early adult life and/or re-united with their parents over the course of time. There are currently 150 children who are part of Morning Tears’ projects, or living in the homes. Over time, Morning Tears has directly helped 805 children at its projects in China. As well as this, Morning Tears provides training and advice for organisations, governmental agencies and individuals on how to help vulnerable and traumatised children. Morning Tears does amazing work to help the children, and we would be glad to be able to support its projects.
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