Fundación Cordobesa de Equinoterapia

Children receiving horse therapy at Fundación Cordobesa de Equinoterapia.
With thanks to Veronica for permission to use this photo.
Fundación Cordobesa de Equinoterapia offers horse-assisted therapy sessions to people with disabilities in Cordoba. This type of therapy is greatly beneficial for children with a range of disabilities. The president of the Foundation, Veronica Martinéz had a passion for horses and went on to found this centre, which she runs with her husband, Juan Manuel.
CHW is aiming to provide sponsorship, at £110 per month, for a child from a poor background, to attend horse-assisted therapy sessions. This project was the focus of our #GivingTuesday 2016 campaign and CHW’s supporters provided sponsorship for Ismael, a nine year old boy with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. We hope to continue to sponsor Ismael and other children at the centre!
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