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Coin Collection for Playground Project, Ghana!

This is one of the projects we are launching in advance of #GivingTuesday. We are fundraising for the third and final stage of extending the playground at New Life International Children’s Home in Ghana.  New Life is home to nearly forty children and around one hundred and fifty more go to school there. If we can raise £1,950, we can complete the playground project and the children will have a good, and safe, area where they can play.

Small change may not seem like it could amount to much, but if a lot of people were to save their small coins and donate them to this project, it would make a big difference!

Ways to take action and get involved!

1.  Collect your small coins for the playground project and send them to CHW before 2 December. You can make a donation here.

2.  Become a coin collection ambassador and spread the word. Arrange a coin collection at your work, university or community or ask your friends, colleagues and family to save and donate their coins. It would also be really helpful if you could share this post on facebook, twitter and other social media networks! You can download our flyer for the coin collection here: CHW Coin Collection, Ghana.


Shallee and Georgina on the roundabout. The playground will be a great place for all the New Life children once it has been extended and some of its older equipment repaired.

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